Sunday, January 31, 2016

Shocking Progress

Moving along on my punch list..... I started on the suspension. I expected the shocks would be bad, siting in the same position for 15 years has a tendency to cause issues. My experience has also shown me that removing the shocks can be a pain, the nuts stick causing the shaft to spin, not loosen. As I lay under the 55 ready to remove the nut, I said a prayer and hoped for the best.

Lucky for me, the bolts came out easily. Once I removed all four, I tested them by compressing the shocks. What should have been difficult was very easy, no resistance! Here they are, five minutes after I compressed them, no movement back to extension......DOA!

Hello new shocks!!!

Sway bar links....
I replaced the rear sway bar links with a more robust option with polyurethane bushings. I will be doing the same on the front sway bar.



I plan to have the rear end inspected to make sure it is in good condition and have any issues corrected. I hope, since the transmission was fine, that the same can be said for the rear end... Fingers crossed. I am also going to take the opportunity to have the drive line upgraded with  a beefier drive shaft, transmission output shaft, and rear end pinion yoke. My wife's Acadia, comes in handy !!

I was going to replace the gas tank sending unit, but two stripped screws brought that to a screeching stop. Once I get a set of EZ outs, I will try again.

With the drive line, rear end, shocks, and springs removed, their is plenty of room to inspect the undercarriage for issues and to do some TLC and cleaning.

The body has held up very well, the paint is great, but there are a few little issues. One area, is around the driver's side mirror. The paint has discolored around the gasket, not sure what caused it and if it can be corrected without paint work. I don't have plans to correct that now, as my goal is to get the 55 reliably running so it can be enjoyed!!

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