Thursday, December 10, 2015

Starting her off right!!

I was looking at some older pictures and came across this, a picture of my daughter at her first car cruise. My family and I go to a car cruise every year,  held in Wexford Pa on rt. 19.  It always draws a large crowd.

Gemma, as you can see, is enjoying herself.  This was taken as a car drove by with a loud exhaust.  She loved it, but had to cover her ears!

Every time we go, we play a game where we guess how many '55s we will see, so far Gemma is in the lead. She is starting to get better at telling cars apart.  For example, she can tell us which cars are Mustangs and Corvettes. I have been teaching her the differences between the Trifives, she is catching on. 

Not car related, but she is developing a love for 80's music.  She loves to sing along to Bon Jovi, Huey Lewis, and Guns n Roses, especially when we are driving.

If that weren't cool enough, she is completely addicted to STAR WARS and Ghostbusters. At least once or twice a week she wants to have "Star Wars" night, where she pics from my collection and we watch one of the movies.  She also loves to look at my star wars bible, "The Vault"

We also have a separate Christmas tree dedicated to Hallmark ornaments, she loves to press the buttons and listed to the sounds...especially all the movie related ones.  Star Wars is represented.


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