Monday, November 30, 2015

It's been a while

I haven't had the opportunity to do any work on the 55 lately. It seems every weekend is booked and finding time during the week is impossible. I have spent the time researching items needed, prioritising, and determining the order of the remaining repairs in order to maximise my time and minimize the budget

I spoke to my engine builder, to let him know what my needs are. He is going to work up three options. We settled on a 454, punched out to a 496 with a little stroke. I explained that i am not going to race the car, it is going to be a cruiser that will live between idle and 3,000 rpm, but it needs to be torquey so I can have some fun when I want to. I have always loved and respected the car, so I would never beat it or dump the clutch out of respect for my dad, who I miss every day.

I have been thinking of ways to incorporate his memory into the build. Currently the 55 has a black shift knob, my idea is to change that to a white knob with his nickname in turquoise Belair font "Jaggers". 

I picked up some EZ slider control cables for the climate controls. The factory ones are binding. These are covered in plastic with a lubricant inside.

My dad's birthday is this Thursday December 3rd, this will be the first since he passed last year, I wish he was here. I miss him not being here to talk to. I miss him not spending time with my daughter and wife, my daughter loved his PIGGY back rides! I also wish he could be here to make this restoration and father son project.

I have to mention again that all of this would be impossible without the love and support of my wonderful wife and amazing mother.

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