Friday, June 10, 2016

Missed Deadline

I was hoping to have the 55 all buttoned up and running by July, but some additional mechanical work has made that impossible.  I wasn't counting on replacing steering components or pre bent brake lines that didn't line up.

I hadn't paid enough attention to the steering, i glanced over the fact that i had oil leaking from the steering box. Once i spent some time looking at the steering, i noticed that the box was leaking and the bushings were bad in the idler arm.

As i was installing the front brake lines, i realized that the rear line that runs along the front of the engine, then connects to the line that runs to the rear brakes, was three to four inches too long. That will need cut a flared.

My whole mantra on this project was to do as much myself, do it once and do it right.  When the car fires up, i want to be confident that the car will essentially be new again and i wont have to worry about anything breaking down.  If it takes me another year to get it running, then so be it.

My new goal is to have ALL mechanical work completed, engine painted, old engine out, so all i am paying for is the physical engine install into the car and any tuning.

I will be the first to admit that their is a good and bad side to working on the 55. The good is that i feel more of a connection with my dad and a great sense of accomplishment, that i have worked very hard and didn't just throw someone a ton of cash to finish the car.  The down side is that it is very exhaustive working by myself. Having an extra set of hands would have come in VERY handy many times. It would have made the project go a lot quicker as well. 

I shouldn't complain, really i am not. Easy or hard, working on the 55 is always enjoyable.  The day i hear that engine roar to life is going to be a dream come true, but surreal at the same time.  The last time i drove the 55, my Dad was alive. I can still remember each time i asked him if i could take it to the local burger joint.. "Jerry's Curb Service". He never told me no, i think i drove that car more than he did.  I really hope he approves of the work i have been doing and the changes i have made, and i hope he joins me for a drive the first time it hits the road.

More than that, i can not wait to share the car with my wife and daughter. All three of us in the 55 cruising to a car show, or the local ice cream shop will be awesome. But before that, my mother deserves to take a cruise with "locomotion" playing, my fathers favorite song.


  1. It will happen one day. Stay strong and keep at it! I know your dad is watching. All the best, and enjoy the holiday weekend!

  2. First, never give up. You have done a lot; I hope you will hit the road soon. The 55 seems to be in a better condition, and its state from the picture is spectacular. I believe your dad will be proud of you, I am pretty sure he will be happy to join your family on that first day you will get the car on the road. Lastly, you don't need to be hard on yourself. It is a work well done!
