Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Moving right along

I was thinking about the last three months, the progress made and what is left to do. I feel great about what I have accomplished. Going into this, I had my moments of doubt..... Could I handle the work? Could I get things done working solo? Could I do quality work? Would i feel that my dad would approve and be proud of me? I can honestly say yes to all those questions.

I have now gotten to the point where I have to decide if I am going to make any changes. With the rear end out, there are parts that need touched up. Do I keep the color matched parts as is, or do I make color changes. I am thinking of painting some of the suspension pieces black. Now is the time to do it since everything is out and easily accessible. I hesitate to make changes because the car sits the way he wanted it done. Hopefully he will send me a sign.

I was always under the impression that the 4 speed was a Muncie M22 rock crusher.  The M22 has a distinctive sound, a whine, when running. I never remember hearing that sound, so i decided to find out once and for all. With the trans out I researched how to decide the VIN. Here is the VIN and how it decodes.

VIN = P9R28A
9 = 1969
28 = 28th
A = M20

Not a disappointment, but the trans is a M20 not a M21 or M22.

I took time to tally some numbers. Keeping this budget tight is very important. This is a very important project to me, but it is equally important that it not take time away from my family or become financially burdensome. The biggest saving is labor cost. Shops average 70.00 per hour.  For example, to have a hot rod shop do the work,  it was $10,000 to $15,000 and $8,000 was just labor. Since I started work in October of last year, doing the work myself, I have saved over $3,000 on labor. The only work I will not be able to do myself is the engine installation. I am leaning towards a GM Crate motor. It will need to be installed my a certified GM mechanic according to the warranty.

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