Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Shouldering the Responsibility

It has been a while.... since my last post.

All work has stopped on the 55. In May I injured my shoulder lifting the rear end of the car. I ironically, it was the one time I had help lifting the unit. I felt something "POP" in my right shoulder while I was setting my end down on a set of jack stands.  I continued to work and by the end of the day, I couldn't lift anything with my right arm.

The pain persisted and got progressively worse over the next two months, so I had it checked.  The MRI showed I had two tears and my bicep tendon was partially detached and flipped.

I had rotator cuff surgery the last week in July and I have been recovering ever since. Post surgery, I found out the damage to my shoulder was more significant than originally diagnosed. I could be looking at a 6 to 12 month recovery time.

All work has stopped, considering I can't  lift my arm to shake hands!!!!!  I am not sure where this leaves the restoration, there are items left to complete, but I am in no condition to complete them. I really wanted to be driving the 55 by now, I really had my heart set on it. 

I am very happy and proud that so many people have visited this blog, it has been viewed 2,341 times and I picked up two followers who have left supportive comments... Thank you "Jessica" and "Madonna Gentry"

Not sure if this will play, but here is a quick video of the car being moved so I could begin working on it. The car had not seen sunlight in 15+ years. It was towed from a smaller garage to a larger garage (way more room to work).

1 comment:

  1. I amso sorry to hear about your most unfortunate injury. I know you're majorly bummed out, but make sure you take plenty of time to heal, and when it IS finished, the victory will be so much sweeter.
